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DIY Kitchen Renovation Series of STEP by STEP videos

DIY IKEA Custom KITCHEN is possible with a little knowledge, patience and work. I want to share my kitchen build with Youtube because if it wasn't for Youtube I wouldn't have been able to make my own kitchen the way I wanted.

This is the first video in a long, detailed and step by step series of videos to show you how I built my kitchen. 

My Goal is to provide you with enough knowledge and visual direction that if you want to build your kitchen that you will feel comfortable enough to dive in and do it.

So many things in life seem scary until you learn about it or experience it.

I will post links that I will hopefully receive a small commission for you clicking on affiliate link at no extra charge to you. Some are not affiliate links, some are just there to help you find what you need.

QUESTIONS - Please ask and I will do my best to answer.

Awesome Faucet - affiliate link to Amazon

Ikea kitchen planner

Menards butcher block